About the Creator

Ray Angod peaked as a gamer in 1989 when he defeated Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out! on the NES at 6 years of age. He has since retired from the world of competitive gaming and prefers to play games socially with friends and family. Over the past six years he has published two video games to help English language learners develop their communication skills.

Ray decided to try his hand at creating his own board game after he had two kids and found that few mainstream children’s board games could excite the imagination of children while simultaneously be interesting for adults to play. Additionally, the majority of these games are competitive. As parents, we should be encouraging our kids to develop skills which will benefit them into adulthood. Skills such as teamwork, effective communication, and problem-solving should be honed from a young age.

The solution was a cooperative game which was challenging and enjoyable for kids and their parents, which also encouraged collaborative decision-making. Not finding anything quite to his liking on the market, Ray decided to make one from scratch. With the help of his kids, he has created a unique family gaming experience which he cannot wait to share with the world.

Bound in Miracle Grove is in the final phases of play-testing and will be pitched to publishers in the near future.